
We write occasional blog entries.  We started a blog when a marketing partner suggested that search engines liked them and we should add a new entry every week.  Eventually you have to ask "is there anything new you we can add with a new blog post?"  When the answer came as "not really" for us, we stopped creating them weekly.  Now, if we do think of something that adds to our blog content, we do create a new entry.

All are available below. Click on any of the headlines to see the full article.

Team Building Rescue

Team Building Rescue

We are Sandstone Limited of the United Kingdom and Global Team Building is our online brand. But it wasn’t always so. Our first online team building activities were showcased under a different brand. Team Building Rescue. So, we thought we’d use this post to tell you a little bit about how and why Team Building…

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Best Meeting Platform

Best Meeting Platform For Virtual Team Activities

Our clients and prospective clients often ask us how their remote team members can talk with one another during a virtual team activity. Indeed, clients often ask us: What is the best meeting platform? As with many such questions, the best answer usually starts with: It depends… Depends on what, though? It could be so…

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Virtual Team Building White Papers Banner

Virtual Team Building White Papers

Some clients come to us because they are searching for a fun activity to offer their geographically spread team members. They then find that our options offer much more than just fun. They deliver real improvements to team spirit and remote team effectiveness. Others come because they recognize that their team has one or more…

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Summer Virtual Team Building Activities

Summer Virtual Team Building Activities

Here in the UK, as we type this, we’re in the grip of an extended heatwave. We’re forecast to reach over 40 degrees on the Celsius Scale (104 degrees Fahrenheit) at its peak. If so, that will beat the current highest temperature ever recorded here. So, we got to thinking about what the ideal summer…

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Hybrid Virtual Meetings

Hybrid Virtual Meetings

Looking back at previous blog entries, we see that we have often focused on groups that are completely virtual in nature. That is, every individual works remotely. Yet many of our clients have a different mix to that. A hybrid one. One where some team members are based in one or more offices and others…

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Small Team Online Team Building

Small Team Online Team Building

Typical online team building events have a maximum number of people that is logistically sensible to run with. A few can genuinely handle very large numbers. But what if your team is at the other end of the scale? What if you need a small team online team building solution? Many online options really benefit…

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Tailored Online Team Activities

Tailored Online Team Activities

As we have just finished tailoring our flagship option for a client, tailored online team activities are to the forefront of our thoughts just now. Indeed, we have been so focused on creating the ideal tailored experience for our client that it’s been a couple of weeks since our last blog entry. As we type…

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Image of a real icebreaker

Virtual Icebreakers

Leading a team with remote workers in is tough. Remote teams are harder to engage. The distance that people are from one another can have an impact. But the bigger impact comes from just being physically remote from one another. The lack of opportunity to just “bump into” people at the watercooler, for example, simply…

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Team Building Activities For Work

Team Building Activities For Work

We try to write at least one useful blog post every week. One of the hardest parts of doing so, each and every time, is deciding on the title for the new post. The title gives us the focus that allows us to create the new entry. Often, the ideas just flow once we have…

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Engaging Teams Virtually

Engaging Teams Virtually

Our online brand is, of course, “Global Team Building”. It’s fair to say that the majority of what we do, by volume of the number of events, is indeed team building of one kind or another. But by number of participants, it is not quite such a clear-cut distinction. We also often run events which…

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Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Why do people search for virtual scavenger hunt ideas? Some are looking for something to do with family and friends. Some are looking for something for their children and their friends to do. Probably those in the largest group, though, are looking for an online team building option for themselves and their colleagues. The options…

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Escape Room Cartoon

The Opposite of an Escape Room?

One of the fads of the late twenty-teens in team exercises was the Escape Room. They sprung up everywhere. Used by families, groups of friends and as a company team building session alike, it became the “thing to do”. There was even a movie made set in one. And when the pandemic hit, Escape Room…

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