
We write occasional blog entries.  We started a blog when a marketing partner suggested that search engines liked them and we should add a new entry every week.  Eventually you have to ask "is there anything new you we can add with a new blog post?"  When the answer came as "not really" for us, we stopped creating them weekly.  Now, if we do think of something that adds to our blog content, we do create a new entry.

All are available below. Click on any of the headlines to see the full article.

Virtual Team Building

Virtual Team Building Activities

Virtual team building activities such as VirtuWall allow team working across even the furthest apart of time zones Virtual teams offer many advantages to organizations. They can offer “follow the sun” access and support to what you do. They can take advantage of a global pool of talent. They appeal to many people who appreciate…

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Presenting MiniScavenge - team having fun image

Distributed Team Building Activities

Distributed team building activities that are fun and help teams improve are hard to find – but advertising helps people find us One of the challenges that we face is letting people know that we exist! We believe we are the only company in the world that offers professional team building activities for virtual teams.…

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Remote Team Building

Remote Team Building Activities

Remote team building activities such as MiniScavenge use technology to link team members to focus on team spirit and team effectiveness Remote teams are notoriously difficult to lead. Without regular face-to-face meetings, it’s a struggle to develop a sense of identity. Collaborative team working is challenging when people are not in the same location. When…

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