A new online team building activities blog
After much consideration, we have decided to begin an online team building activities blog. It’s only taken us 13 years to make this decision. Clearly, we don’t like to be rushed!
So, why start now? It’s a bit of a long story…
Pre-pandemic – how it used to be
Until the pandemic hit, we were the only game in town when it came to professional online team building activities designed for remote teams. That fact came with an upside and a downside for us.
The upside was, simply put, if someone was looking for an activity for a team that wasn’t co-located they were likely to choose us. If they could find us, that is. Which is where the downside came in. No one really knew that online team building activities existed. So most didn’t think to search online for them. And if you don’t look, you don’t find. And many didn’t. The good news for us, though, was that those that did search tended to be working within large enterprises with correspondingly large remote teams.

Perhaps understandably, when the pandemic took hold more people started to look. As much as we’d rather it was for a different reason, the practical upshot was that our business blossomed. We might not have had a blog going then, but we added a rare article to our site. It aimed to help people understand how we could help in the changed circumstances everyone found themselves in.
Everyone was in the same boat. Everywhere, people were in lockdown. Suddenly, everyone was searching working from home and searching online to find a way to bring people together and have some fun. Some relief from the pandemic. And many were finding us.
Existing clients such as Apple moved key in-person events online, adding a team activity to the proceedings to ensure everyone was engaged. New clients such as Dawn Foods and Talkdesk discovered that people didn’t need to get together to have fun.
Online team building activities are adapted from in-person options
What happened next is interesting. In order to survive, many “traditional” team-building companies took their offering online. They adapted to the changed circumstances. Almost all of them did this by using Zoom. Escape rooms are a prime example of the type of team building activity that has moved online. Some have made the transition better than others, but none were designed for remote teams.
Our activities remain, to the very best of our knowledge, the only online team building activities designed from the outset for remote teams. To quote one new client, other activities are just like having a normal Zoom session. Ours, she thought, was a proper activity!
The world has changed
Now the world has changed. Everyone knows that team building can be achieved online. And they continue to search online for it as a result. And the interest is much wider now.
Pre-pandemic our clients’ teams were generally quite widely spread – many, of course, globally spread. Now a large number have teams that used to be co-located within an office that are now working from home. Or some are working from home, at least, as many businesses turn to hybrid working patterns.
Enter our online team building activities blog
We may still call ourselves Global Team Building, but we’re delivering great events with local teams as well now. And we have a lot of great content to interest groups of all sizes wherever their team members are located. And a blog seems to us to be the best way of doing just that.
So do please keep an eye out for new blog posts from now on. We’ll try to educate and entertain in equal measure. And also try to convey the sense of enjoyment and appreciation that our participants feel when they take part in one of our events.