Using Virtual Team Building Activities

Using Virtual Team Activities

There are plenty of reasons for using virtual team activities for the workplace. In a world where more and more employees are working remotely, it’s important to find ways to keep everyone connected and engaged. Virtual team building can help with that by fostering communication, cooperation, and creativity.

Plus, they can be great fun! Let’s look at this from 3 different but interrelated angles:

  • Their benefits
  • How to get the most out of them
  • Tips for planning successful virtual team events

Let’s explore each of these in more detail

Their benefits

You can’t afford to ignore the benefits of virtual team activities. They can help increase productivity and creativity. They can also improve communication with your employees. The practical upshot being you’ll be able to help your team achieve more and perform more effectively!

Some of the specific benefits of virtual team activities include:

  1. Boosting productivity and creativity. When employees feel like they are part of a cohesive unit, they are more likely to be productive and creative. Virtual team activities can help promote this sense of unity and purpose.
  2. Enhancing communication and collaboration. Effective communication and collaboration are essential for any team, and virtual team events can help to promote these skills.
  3. Fostering bonding and camaraderie. One of the best things about good activities is that they help employees bond and build relationships with one another. This is particularly beneficial for remote teams who may not have as much opportunity to interact on a personal level.
  4. Improving problem-solving skills. Virtual team events can also help to improve employees’ problem-solving skills. By working together to complete challenges, teams can learn how to better identify and solve problems.
  5. Promoting a positive work/life balance. With the increasing focus on work/life balance, it’s important to find ways to promote a healthy balance for employees. Virtual team events can help by providing an outlet for stress and promoting a sense of fun and camaraderie.

Engage all and develop your team with virtual team activities

How to get the most out of them

Here’s a few things you can do to ensure that your virtual team gets the most out of team events:

  1. Make sure the activity is relevant to your team’s goals and objectives. If the team building activity is not related to your team’s goals, it is unlikely to be effective. Make sure to choose an activity that will help your team to achieve its objectives.
  2. Keep it simple. Don’t try to do too much with the activity. Keep it focused and concise so that everyone can easily understand and participate.
  3. Make sure everyone is on board. Before you start the activity, make sure that everyone understands what is expected of them. Also ensure that they are comfortable with the level of participation expected.
  4. Set clear guidelines and expectations. Once the activity is underway, make sure that everyone knows what the guidelines and expectations are. This will help to keep the activity focused and on track.
  5. Follow up after the activity. After the activity is complete, follow up with your team to see how it went and to identify any areas for improvement.

Tips for planning successful virtual team events

If you’re thinking of incorporating activities into your team’s routine, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Define your goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve with the team building activity? What are your team’s goals and objectives? Keep these in mind when choosing an activity.
  2. Choose an activity that is relevant and engaging. The activity should be something that is relevant to your team and its goals. It should also be something that everyone will find engaging.
  3. Set clear guidelines and expectations. Make sure that everyone understands what is expected of them before you start the activity. This will help to keep the activity focused and on track.
  4. Follow up after the activity. After the team building activity is complete, follow up with your team to see how it went. And, of course, to identify any areas for improvement.


Virtual team activities can be a great way to promote communication, collaboration, and bonding among employees. By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure that your team gets the most out of the experience. These activities can help employees bond, build relationships, and improve their problem-solving skills while promoting a healthy work/life balance.


Global Team Building offers a variety of activities that can help promote communication and collaboration with remote teams. We can help you choose an activity that is relevant to your team’s goals and objectives. And we will provide clear guidelines and expectations to ensure that everyone gets the most out of the experience. Contact us today to learn more about our virtual team building services.